In this LinkedIn Live session, our Head of Machine Learning & AI Recruitment welcomes An...
44 minutesLinkedIn Live: The Growth of AI in Fintech & Career Tips for AI Talent Moving Into Finance
41 minutesThe Rust Corner Episode 2: Maxwell Flitton
Join our Head of Python Recruitment, Cedric Sellmann, in our second episode as he dives in...
19 minutesTech Trailblazers: Hasta Vanchinathan
Join us as our Head of Machine Learning & AI Recruitment, Anna Heneghan, sits down with ...
30 minutesThe Rust Corner Episode 1: Juxhin Dyrmishi Brigjaj
The Rust Corner is a captivating video series hosted by Cedric Sellmann, the Head of Rust Re...
1 hourLinkedIn Live: Unlocking the AI Talent Landscape
Join Anna Heneghan, Head of ML & AI Recruitment at Understanding Recruitment, and specia...
13 minutesTech Trailblazers: Valeria Filippou
Join us for an insightful episode of Understanding Recruitment's "Tech Trailblazers" series,...
30 minutesLinkedIn Live: 2023 Elixir Talent & Salary Report Launch
If you missed our exclusive LinkedIn Live event with our Head of Elixir Recruitment, Alex Ko...
14 minutesTech Trailblazers: Tinashe Wamambo
Looking to gain insights into the tech industry and diversity in the workplace?You won't wan...